Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pizza Party!

The boys had been shoveling and playing in the snow all day.  When they finally came in they were ready for a snack.  I'm still sick and just don't feel like cooking.  You know what that means???
Pizza party!!!

This little monkey loves to shovel! 

Planning his attack from the safety of a snow bank.

Dive bomb!!!

I love this recipe because it is so completely basic and needs no prep time. It's stuff I already stock in my cupboard so in a pinch it's a great go to.  I also love that it doesn't need to rise because...really, who has time for that?   I guess what I'm saying is this is the lazy man's pizza recipe.

 * recipe for 1 individual size pizza*

1 package dry yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 c. warm water
2 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp or so salt
2 tsp olive oil

Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water.
Add flour, salt and oil
Knead, let rest for just a few minutes.

                                                                     roughly mixed

                                                            Kneaded into a nice little ball

Turn dough out on a floured surface and roll it out into a round. (confession...I don't roll it...I just smoosh with my knuckles until it's right.  It's quicker that way.  Also....don't judge me, I told you this was a recipe for the lazy)

                                                                       Smoosh it out

Use whatever toppings make you happy and bake at 450 for about 15 minutes.

My family likes to kick it old school with crushed tomatoes, lots of basil and garlic and Mozzarella cheese.

                                                      "more cheese"  was what I was told

                                                                        Aaaand Done! 

Pesto and roasted red peppers with a little bit of mozzarella and a sprinkle of Peccorino Romano cheese is my favorite.

What are your favorite pizza toppings?


  1. Who cares what's on's pizza. I made a vegan pizza, w/ thin sliced potato, tempeh, garlic, oil. It's different, but satisfied my need for pizza w/out cheese. My back hurts looking at your driveway.

    1. yummmm!!!! put tomato, garlic and oil on cardboard and I would likely eat it. You can't go wrong!
