Monday, January 28, 2013

Saturday night we went on a date.  A proper, let's get a babysitter, get dolled up and go out just the two of us DATE.  A little adult time.  Time to reconnect.  I don't mean  bow chicka bow wow sexy time....just a chance to be together and not have to worry about tiny humans pulling on you every 30 seconds.

So out we go, just the two of us.  We talk about life, music, whatever. We don't care.  It's just amazing to be able to talk without being interrupted 1000 times until you don't even care to finish your thought.
                                                                   My handsome date

 It's nice to feel like a couple again.  To feel pretty for a little while, because I look like a straight up homeless person when I'm home with the kids.  Is that bananna smeared on my shirt?  Or is that boogers?  Did someone seriously wipe their nose on me? 

It's amazing to laugh and talk and

It's amazing to have people that you trust to watch your children. 

It's amazing to come home to this...

and this....

I feel like a lucky girl.

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