Max is seriously sensitive to sugar. I mean....SERIOUSLY. I would almost call it an allergy. He goes into this frenzy and it's impossible to get through to him. His behavior is completely off the wall and he's usually a really sweet agreeable kid. I've been trying really hard lately to control it with diet...which has been great. We've cut out just about all sugar, all processed foods, preservatives and food dyes. Yesterday was a really bad day in my house and he was absolutely bonkers. As it turns out he got into a sleeve of Oreo cookies that his dad had stashed (I'm shaking my fist of futility). Oy to the vey it was rough. Today, like a true addict, the kid woke up talking about cookies. In my effort to fool him with trickery and replace off limits foods with healthy alternatives, I came up with this recipe. Oh my lord, it's awesome. (If I do say so myself) Enjoy!
Oatmeal Cookies of Awesomeness (A working title)
3/4 c whole wheat flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ( or more) cinnamon
3/4 c. butter
1/2 c brown sugar
1/2 c. Honey
1 egg
3 c uncooked oats
1c. rasins and or craisins
1/4 c sunflower seeds
!/4 c ground flax seeds
Beat sugar, honey, egg, vanilla, cinnamon, butter until creamy.
Add flour, salt, baking soda, flax, sunflower seeds, raisins, oats and mix with a spoon.
As I dropped them on the cookie shet, I pressed a sprinkle of candy covered sunflower seeds onto the top.
Bake 10 minutes on 350
Little man LOOOVED them! Try 'em. Let me know what you think!
As an added bonus, we finished the can of oats. We lined the inside of the can with white paper, put a few drops of different colored paint on the lid and dropped in 3 marbles. Max kicked the can around the house for a while and when he got tired of that, we opened it to see what beautiful art he's made.
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