My family loves banana bread like nobody's business. I mean, they reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally like it. I've somehow convinced them that it's a super special treat and if everyone behaves and I'm pleased, I'll reward them with it. But only if I'm really feeling the love. The joke of it all is that it's the easiest thing to throw together and super healthy. I'm thrilled that they're eating it, but if I tell them that, they probably won't want it anymore. So here is my top secret recipe. Enjoy!
3 bananas
2/3 c. honey
1/3 c brown sugar
1/2 c mayo ( I know, sounds gross, but trust me here)
1/4 c water
1/4 c ground flax seeds
1 1/2 c. flour
1 tbsp baking powder
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt in a small bowl and set aside for a minute.
In mixer blend bananas, honey, brown sugar, flax seed, mayo and water. Blend flour mixture in with banana mixture until well blended into a lovely batter.
Flour the loaf pan, bake on 350 for 1 hour
My little chef preparing the flour mixture.
Banana mixture doing it's thing in my awesome KitchenAide I got for Christmas!
Thanks Kev! (although you shouldn't be reading this post)
Ready to bake. 350 for 1 hour
Good lord, the house smells amazing.
And done!
If you really want to be sneaky tricky, you can add chocolate or carob chips, or even drizzle melted chocolate on top. This also makes the most delicious french toast....if it lasts that long.
Lola is trying this recipe!